The Mace, according to the British Westminster system is a special element of democratic parliamentary governing. The Mace symbolises the Public who take part in the governing process. The Mace is displayed in the House to symbolise the representatives of the people, who are elected by the public at Divisional level. Accordingly, the Mace of the Parliament of Sri Lanka which is crafted with British tradition, was gifted to Sri Lanka by the British House of Commons in 1949.
The Central Provincial Council's Mace is also a result of the same influence. It is made with precious Mahogany wood and is a true representative of the esteemed upcountry craftsmanship. All members and officials of the House stand up and bow down to mark their respect to the Mace, from the moment it is been brought in to the house by the Chairman and Secretaries, to until it is laid on its holder.
Whenever the Mace is placed in the house, it is positioned so that the heavy head faces the governing party and the handle faces the Opposition. This is to denote that the bulk represents the majority and the handle, the minority. The Mace is seated at the top most place of its holder when the House operates as a grand assembly and lowered when the House functions as a working committee.
The heavy head of the Mace consists of a "Pun Kalasa" (pot of abundance - the symbol of prosperity) with a large blooming Lotus flower. Two Lions are engraved on it to illustrate the nation. The Sun and Moon are carved further down, to symbolise the perpetuity of the council. The craftsman has been keen enough to add more fine features to the Mace to amplify its aesthetics.